Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thank God for grandparents
We went to Toys R Us tonight and I did manage to get that "one thing" I wanted to get the most for them. They will each have their very own remote controlled car made just for rough little boys.
Eden is proving to be much harder. She wants the same thing that every one else wants of course. ZuZu Pets have become the bane of my existance. My mom managed to score me one of the actual pets, but so far we haven't had any luck getting any of the accessories that go with it. Wish us luck in finding at least one before time runs out.
It's a short post tonight, and I'll be posting pictures and possibly video from the boys Christmas program tomorrow night.
Friday, December 4, 2009
What's up?
I'll try to post some more Gatlinburg pictures tomorrow. For now, here's a few that Louise took while we were at the IHOP.
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Gatlinburg '09

Here's Momica's peacock.

Here's a picture of Linda I took for Amy the stalker. ;o) It's the only one that wasn't so blurry you couldn't even make out who it's supposed to be.

Cool light streaks that Michael took from the "front porch" of the hotel we stayed in. I love that he caught the AAA sign in the corner and the lighting on the landscaping.
I'm not sure what Casey is doing here, but she looks like she's dancing.
Oh how I love these little heads! (Well, little boy heads anyway, Tyler's got a big melon.)
Every trip to Gatlinburg requires a stop at the Ripley's Aquarium. All of my kids love it. In this picture Eden, Erin, Tyler, Mom, Me, Jennifer, Allen and Nathan.
Here's me and the boys under the puffer fish tank. It's tough for me to get in there, and it's really hot in there, but the pictures are really cute!
I have more, I'll try to post them tomorrow and on when I get the time but it's getting late, I'm tired and I have to get my shower tonight since the boys need a bath before school in the morning and I don't want to get up at 6 when I can shower tonight and get up around 6:45.
Good night.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Whew. Glad this days almost over!
Here's a picture of my monkeys right after their haircut a few weeks ago.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Random thoughts running rampant.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
So you'll know
Linn 11/12/2009 Picture 12/365
I went to the ribbon cutting for the twins' preschool today. That lady with the big pair of scissors is Ms. Sally and that lady on the far left is Ms. Tina. I love these women for many reasons, the main one... they love my kids like their own and my kids love them!
Thursday, October 22, 2009
It's been over a month since I posted.
Ms. Sally and Ms. Tina are terrific teachers and the boys love them. Most mornings they are just as excited to see them as they are to see me when I get home from work. In some ways, it's very sad, in others, I'm so happy that they love Ms. Sally and Ms. Tina. It definitely makes it easier to leave them with someone besides my mom or Michael's mom and sister. I know that our family loves them as much as we do. I never had to worry about how they would be treated. I don't have to worry about that with these terrific ladies who adore my boys almost as much as we do.
It was a major ordeal getting the boys into the preschool with Sally. Eden was in her preschool class at St. Mary's the first year they offered it at the school. When I contacted Sally about putting the boys in her class she let me know that she was looking for a new place to hold preschool classes because of a contract issue with St. Mary's. I asked her to keep me posted and enrolled the boys in another preschool in case we weren't able to get them in with Sally.
I was terrified. When I went to enroll them, the teacher wasn't available for me to meet her. I didn't know her, never heard of her before, and I'm sure she's a wonderful teacher, but.... these are my babies we're talking about here. I know Sally, Eden loved her, I loved her, she's "family". I've never been so relieved as I was when we worked it out that we could afford the tuition and put the boys in Sally's class.
So..what's pretty cool about the whole deal is this. When Eden started preschool, I had just had the twins and it was the first year that Sally was at St. Mary's. Now, the twins are in preschool and they are with Sally for her first year at Promise Academy.
Here are some pictures of our first day at school and you can see pictures of the boys during the school day on Facebook by looking up Promise Academy. You'll need to know what city we live in. There are a couple of Promise Academy's listed.
Here we are walking to the front door. They actually walked until....
We got to the door. Yeah.... see that blur at the end of the hall? That's Jake!
Here's Tyler with the toys he found when we went to the parents meeting a few days before school started.
And Jake so excited by all the prospects that he can't decide what to do first.
So, there you have it. An update on the boys and preschool.
BTW. Here's a shout out to Weezie. Thanks for pointing out in my last post that I'm a little on the slow side. This post brought to you much quicker because my wonderful cuz pointed out the multiple upload button. But seriously. Thank you! I really had not yet discovered it and I appreciate all the help I can get, even if it means you get a good laugh out of it. Hey. I'm here for ya! ;o)
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Busy Weekend.
They would fly to the bushes and hide down inside them until they thought the coast was clear and then POP UP from inside like the bush was pushing them out. It was so cute. The kids thought it was so funny. I love it when they all get tickled. They have the sweetest laughs.
We also went out to Lanesville Heritage Weekend on Saturday before everyone came over to play some Beatles Rock Band. Pictures from our trip to Lanesville are posted at I would post them all here as well, but we all know how long it takes to upload pictures one at a time then have to move them into place.
I hope that soon, blogger will find a way to do at least two at a time or figure out a way to upload the picture to where the cursor is waiting. It would make blogging with pictures so much easier.
Michael worked with Bill today so I took the boys and Eden to mom's and we went back out to Lanesville for a little bit then they spent the rest of the day playing in Grandma's front yard.
I can't tell you how much I wish I could pick up my house and set it right next door to my mom's. We have a great house, but need a great yard to go with it.
I hope everyone had a good weekend!
Friday, September 4, 2009
I know it seems silly to have posted this picture on Friday and just now be getting around to explaining it, but I'm just now able to do so without my heart beating through my chest and putting a choke hold on my lungs.
I have probably mentioned before that on Friday's Michael helps out at the TKD school by helping to teach the "Little Dragons" class. So, Friday afternoon he took the boys to my mom's so that she could watch them until I got there to pick them up and so Mike could do the class.
Well.... it seems that shortly after they got there the boys decided that they wanted to play outside. I have also discovered in the last week that they have a new found passion for swatting at bees. This strikes fear into my heart because I am so allergic that if I get stung, I swell like crazy. I'm lucky enough to not need an EpiPen, but it's been years since I have been stung, and that could have changed by now. Anyway, Jacob got stung, by what we think was a wasp around 4:30 so he went inside and mom and Mike kept an eye on him and he seemed to be fine, then he was around the cat, which Michael is highly allergic to, and his reaction is itchy, watery eyes, and sneezing and he still seemed to be fine, so Michael went ahead to class. (Which is what I would have had him do since it had been 30 mins. since he got stung and there didn't seem to be anything other then a little splotchy red spot around the area of the bee sting.)
This picture doesn't show how red and swollen he was when I rushed him out the door and you can barely see it, but the bee sting is on his right arm. Like I said, he was still pretty happy and had started to breathe better.
Here he is in his hospital gown. Michael and I couldn't get over how cute he looked in, but let me tell you.... I sincerely hope that I NEVER have to see any of my three kids in a hospital gown again.
He wasn't a big fan of the band aid type thing they put around his finger to monitor his heart rate and blood oxygen level. But.....
He was completely into iCarly while we waited for the doctor to come in and see him. Look at his left eye. It's wrinkled and still a little puffy. Before we gave him the Benedryl at moms both eyes were swollen and watery and the left was almost completely swollen shut. We have given him Benedryl before and instead of slowing him down, he seemed to have more energy, not this time around, this time, he was quiet and sat still, just watching TV and patiently waiting. Totally not Jake like behavior.
Once the doctor come in to check him over, it had been almost an hour and he said it's hard to say what caused the reaction but that he was going to give him another dose of antihistamine and a steroid and they gave him an Epi shot.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Wild weekend!!!
It looked like rain on Friday and they were calling for possible storms so we postponed the senior pictures on Friday night. Instead, we went to the Horseshoe for a while and then came home and watched the end of the first season of How I Met Your Mother. (Thanks Ric for getting us hooked on yet another series, like meth addicts.)
I forgot to mention that the in-laws took the kids with them for the weekend. Shout out to the grandparents!!! WOOT!
So Saturday, I worked from 9 until about 2. Then, the plan was to go to the Mount St. Francis picnic to get some of the best dumplings around. The last Saturday of August every year. It's a tradition!
I say the plan, because we actually made it to the Mount, and when we got out of the car, our 36 weeks pregnant friend looked at me with a funny expression and then said, I think I'm wet. What a really cool experience! (Admittedly, maybe not for her.) I have lots of friends with children, and none of them have had their water break without assistance until now. After some conversation and checking, I suggested that maybe she should call her doctor. That was around 4:30 p.m. on Saturday, we immediately left and took them to their car after the doctor suggested that she go to the hospital to get checked out. Our friend is Japanese and this was her first pregnancy. She told me today when we went to visit them at the hospital that she was glad I was with her when it happened. I must say, I'm glad I was too and this was probably one of the best compliments of my life!!
I'm glad we didn't wait to leave until after we ate. Takaru was born at 6:45 p.m. Our friend didn't even have time to get an epidural and I think if we had waited, I would have been delivering my first baby in the back seat of my Toyota Sequoia. Needless to say, we didn't get those belly pictures. I think in a week or so, we will be taking some newborn pictures and I will ask permission to put pictures of the baby on my blog.
It was great to have a weekend without the kids, but I sure did miss them and am so happy to have them home. I think that every parent needs at least 24 hours away from their kids to recharge their batteries and be ready for the next wonderful, frustrating, heartwarming, moments that come along.
I hope everyone else had a great weekend too!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Gaining Some More Experience
This girl has a 1000 watt smile and she was so much fun to work with. Up for anything including climbing around on itchy hay bales.
It was her idea to take a picture with the horse. This beauty was so sweet and seemed to really love the camera.

We found this old Mack truck tucked away in a barn and I thought this looked like a fun pose!
Shot this one on the move! Thanks to Bill for the ride around the farm on the trailer, attached to the 4 wheeler. That's how we got the wind blown picture here. This one is one of my favorites of the day.
And last, but most certainly not least, here is a picture of Dani and Karen together. Are these two ladies not just GORGEOUS?!? ;o)
I had so much fun working with Danielle. We will be taking some more pictures this weekend on the river front with the wide angle lens and the Louisville skyline in the background. I'm looking so forward to it!
I will be working on the rest of the pictures I took this weekend to get them "finished" up. I didn't realize I was shooting on the RAW setting on the camera so I have to go in and save each image as a jpeg so that it can be printed. The up side is that I can edit out anything that shouldn't be there. For instance, the doggies that had so much fun following us around and popping there heads into a picture at just the right moment. LOL.
Thursday, August 13, 2009
Look at those rays of sunlight!!!
Here is the excited student! Come on! Let's go!
Another picture of the sky from the parking lot of the school on the way into the building.
Look at her with that scarf. She loves dresses!
Monday, August 10, 2009
Weekend fun to celebrate the boys' birthday and our anniversary
They started out by making a lake out of sand. A lake at the lake if you will. It had to be precise. The water had to be able to get in when a wave came in, but there had to be enough of a rise that the water wouldn't just rush right back out. Eden was the master of this design and the boys took direction really well.
Here's Jake after returning a tool to the beach toy pile. You can see the buckets in the bottom of the picture. They thought it was fun to drop these sand filled toys on me.
A picture of Eden and Jake being nice to each other and just before Eden found a friend to play with that was closer to her age than her brothers are. She also found a random pair of goggles and put them on. I have absolutely no IDEA where they came from.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Locks of Love
Here she is in May at the zoo. I know it's not a great picture of how long her hair was, I just really like this picture of her.
This one is a little better. This was the beginning of June at the river.
This is her with her Kodak camera. She has been lobbying for a Canon for a few months now. We just keep telling her that maybe Santa can bring her a Canon.
This one shows how long it was in the back. If the backpack wasn't in the way, her hair reaches to the bottom of the little blue pocket.
She hopped right up in that chair and didn't even think twice about cutting her hair so short. I want to say that I was kinda scared she's be upset once it was so short, but she wasn't at all. Not even now that it's been cut into a really cute little bob. I guess these didn't turn out half bad considering it's just a little camera phone. I think it's 2 mega pix.
Does this look like a kid who's sorry she cut ALL of her hair off?!? She's ecstatic!
and the view from behind. We just let it air dry tonight, I'm sure when we blow dry it, it will curl right under and lay in a perfect little bob.
Is she not one of the most adorable little girls you've ever seen?!
I couldn't be more proud of my smart, funny, precious, loving, caring little girl! She never ceases to amaze me!
Here is a picture of her hair in a ponytail. I will be packaging it up to be mailed out to locks of love in the next few days. To learn more about this incredible charity, you can check out their website at