Here she is in May at the zoo. I know it's not a great picture of how long her hair was, I just really like this picture of her.
This one is a little better. This was the beginning of June at the river.
This is her with her Kodak camera. She has been lobbying for a Canon for a few months now. We just keep telling her that maybe Santa can bring her a Canon.
This one shows how long it was in the back. If the backpack wasn't in the way, her hair reaches to the bottom of the little blue pocket.
She hopped right up in that chair and didn't even think twice about cutting her hair so short. I want to say that I was kinda scared she's be upset once it was so short, but she wasn't at all. Not even now that it's been cut into a really cute little bob. I guess these didn't turn out half bad considering it's just a little camera phone. I think it's 2 mega pix.
Does this look like a kid who's sorry she cut ALL of her hair off?!? She's ecstatic!
and the view from behind. We just let it air dry tonight, I'm sure when we blow dry it, it will curl right under and lay in a perfect little bob.
Is she not one of the most adorable little girls you've ever seen?!
I couldn't be more proud of my smart, funny, precious, loving, caring little girl! She never ceases to amaze me!
Here is a picture of her hair in a ponytail. I will be packaging it up to be mailed out to locks of love in the next few days. To learn more about this incredible charity, you can check out their website at
Awwwww. That is so sweet.