Thursday, October 22, 2009

It's been over a month since I posted.

The boys started PreKindergarten at the end of August. They absolutely LOVE it!

Ms. Sally and Ms. Tina are terrific teachers and the boys love them. Most mornings they are just as excited to see them as they are to see me when I get home from work. In some ways, it's very sad, in others, I'm so happy that they love Ms. Sally and Ms. Tina. It definitely makes it easier to leave them with someone besides my mom or Michael's mom and sister. I know that our family loves them as much as we do. I never had to worry about how they would be treated. I don't have to worry about that with these terrific ladies who adore my boys almost as much as we do.

It was a major ordeal getting the boys into the preschool with Sally. Eden was in her preschool class at St. Mary's the first year they offered it at the school. When I contacted Sally about putting the boys in her class she let me know that she was looking for a new place to hold preschool classes because of a contract issue with St. Mary's. I asked her to keep me posted and enrolled the boys in another preschool in case we weren't able to get them in with Sally.

I was terrified. When I went to enroll them, the teacher wasn't available for me to meet her. I didn't know her, never heard of her before, and I'm sure she's a wonderful teacher, but.... these are my babies we're talking about here. I know Sally, Eden loved her, I loved her, she's "family". I've never been so relieved as I was when we worked it out that we could afford the tuition and put the boys in Sally's class.

So..what's pretty cool about the whole deal is this. When Eden started preschool, I had just had the twins and it was the first year that Sally was at St. Mary's. Now, the twins are in preschool and they are with Sally for her first year at Promise Academy.

Here are some pictures of our first day at school and you can see pictures of the boys during the school day on Facebook by looking up Promise Academy. You'll need to know what city we live in. There are a couple of Promise Academy's listed.

Here we are walking to the front door. They actually walked until....

We got to the door. Yeah.... see that blur at the end of the hall? That's Jake!

Here's Tyler with the toys he found when we went to the parents meeting a few days before school started.

And Jake so excited by all the prospects that he can't decide what to do first.

So, there you have it. An update on the boys and preschool.

BTW. Here's a shout out to Weezie. Thanks for pointing out in my last post that I'm a little on the slow side. This post brought to you much quicker because my wonderful cuz pointed out the multiple upload button. But seriously. Thank you! I really had not yet discovered it and I appreciate all the help I can get, even if it means you get a good laugh out of it. Hey. I'm here for ya! ;o)

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